Business etiquette

In formal interaction at work there are rules which create the framework of behaviour.  Get to know these rules and learn to act accordingly.

Development of professional deportment and image at the workplace

In formal interaction there are rules that create the framework of a given company’s behaviour.  Compliance with basic rules of social etiquette is also a core pillar of a successful corporate culture.  These rules embody also the values and mission of an institution or company.

Knowledge of such rules improves the quality of interpersonal relationships, removes sharp edges, while enabling natural behaviour.  One result of this is persuasive and natural authority. As long as we are governed by the rules, we can converse in a lively manner and our behaviour is easy and relaxed.  In this way we conduct ourselves with ease in formal interaction at various company or representative formal social events.

Professional appearance and deportment in work is clear proof of social dexterity.

In the training I will teach you:

  • how to use the principle of priority and significance
  • what are social formalities at work
  • how to proceed in getting to know a person, presenting oneself and addressing people, types of social conversation
  • how to lead meetings and conferences outside the organisation
  • what are the social rules for business activities outside the firm, or VIP events
  • how to successfully handle lunches, dinners, receptions, cocktail parties, balls (rules of dress, invitation, payment, seating order, reading of invitations, dress code of various types of events)
  • how to proceed with gifts, forms of gifts and how to present them correctly

In the training you will gain a routine of how:

  • to use dress as a mark of competence
  • how to support and promote the company’s profile and position through dress
  • how to build up the wardrobe of a professional
  • how to use professional image as an indirect factor in raising the value of products

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